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Travel Fever & First Date via Jump From Paper |
Aren't they awesome?! Pertama kali aware sama tas ini waktu lagi liat-liat barang di olshop. Pas liat fotonya sempat bingung, kirain tasnya di-Photoshopped atau apa, ternyata memang desainnya yang 2D gitu. Dari hasil browsing gambar dan video untuk referensi, kayaknya tasnya sih nggak bisa muat banyak jadi bakal kurang practical untuk kuliah dan dipakai daily. But, seriously, they're so unusual, so eye-catching, I'm practically drooling over them.
GD One of A Kind Galaxy S2 Case
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via Tiny Trinket |
I adore G-Dragon, who wouldn't anyway? And I just can't stop listening to One of a Kind. Saya juga suka banget sama MV-nya, in which he dance and move so "GD-ly". And thus this desperate needs to own this phone case. A phone case with big bold "ONE OF A KIND" written on it bakal jadi self-statement yang keren banget nggak sih. It's like you're proudly declare yourself as a weirdo, a 'one of a kind', and people who dislike the fact can't just go f themselves.
Jaejoong - MINE
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via Seoulbeats. Check this link anyway, they wrote a very thorough and detailed review of this MV. |
I love Jaejoong, I really am. And just like Heechul, saya selalu merasa konsep Kpop yang manis dan serba adorable itu nggak cocok buat Jaejoong. Sure, he is one of the most handsome idol out there, he also has this beautiful voice dan untuk sekian lama bawain lagu-lagu ballad dengan sangat baik. Tapi kalau boleh sok tau, I don't think he is meant to be the sweet prince charming-type. I mean, seriously, this guy used to had a goddamn nipple piercing. And he has like tons of tattoo. He's meant to be a badass. And that is why saya cinta banget sama MINE. This is the image Jaejoong should have all this time. It feels right, it feels like 'him', and he looks so great anyway! Suaranya Jaejoong itu pas banget nggak sih buat lagu-lagu goth rock gitu. I can't help but wonder, kalau JYJ debut di Jepang dengan aliran J-Rock gitu pasti dashing banget. All three of them definitely have the look, the voice, and the attitude to be a rockstar. Anyway, MINE is a great song with a great MV. I'm not officially a Cassie, but I am proud to see this new image of Jaejoong as a soloist.
p.s : I've just listened to his mini album. I LOVE IT! The songs are great! What an amazing comeback, this is EPIC!
Hungry Asian and Matte Nail Polish
Saya punya kecintaan nggak normal sama nail polish dari SD. Beberapa waktu yang lalu ketemu temen lama dari SD, dan dia juga ternyata masih ingat gimana saya berulang kali diomelin guru karena kukunya warna-warni. Anyway, semakin menjamurnya nail art dan nail polish sekarang ikut memunculkan beberapa brand-brand nail polish indie dengan produk-produknya yang lebih edgy dan nggak biasa. So far, ada beberapa indie nail polish yang terkenal, there are Cult Nails, Dollish Polish, Pretty & Polished, and many more (read more here). Tapi, favorit saya adalah The Hungry Asian. Pertama sih karena namanya yang sangat 'saya' since I am Asian, and I'm always hungry! Tapi, THA memang punya nail polish dengan warna-warna dan nama yang lucu, I mean you've gotta love a brand with product names like 'Bar Fight' and 'u jelly'. Some of my favorites are on the image above, Mint Condition, Cookies and Cream, Strawberry, Belle, Celebration, and Zera.
Another nail polish type yang saya lagi candu berat adalah matte topcoat. Saya biasanya lebih prefer nail polish yang warnanya cetar dan bold kayak neon, merah, abu-abu, atau glitter. Cuma sayangnya, warna cat kuku yang mentereng itu suka agak bikin risih kalau dipakai ngampus, since nantinya bakal terlalu menarik perhatian (mostly yang nggak diinginkan). Ini makanya kenapa saya cinta banget sama matte topcoat karena dia bisa semacam 'meredam' nail polish yang terlalu terang karena efek matte itu bikin kuteksnya nggak glossy. Banya review yang mendeskripsikan matte topcoat dengan velvety texture, tapi kalau saya sih buat gampangnya, matte itu bikin kuteksnya punya tekstur yang mirip tip-ex. Matte topcoat ini, selain bagus buat bikin nail polish less mencolok juga handy banget kalau lagi buru-buru karena keringnya cepet banget. Selain dalam bentuk topcoat, nail polish with matte texture juga ada, tapi saya sih nggak terlalu suka, topcoat seems much more practical dan irit.
Benedict Cumberbatch
This guy is just perfect. Perfect. Have you seen the BBC' Sherlock? You should, seriously. It is brilliant, and Benedict as Sherlock is amazing beyond words. And seriously, have you seen the new Star Trek trailer?! Benedict is the main villain, and he narrates the first teaser trailer, with THAT deep sexy voice, it gave me chills. My brain just can't comprehend the fact that in Into Darkness, Benedict Cumberbatch AND the amazing Zachary Quinto will, like, I don't know, talk to each other, and with those deep deep voice, OH MY GOD! I just can't. I can't. I just got turned into the Cumberbitches, willingly.