December 20, 2011

Another Dark Knight Teaser Trailer

Another The Dark Knight Rises trailer has just been released earlier today. It's longer, and you can see, finally, Anne Hathaway's Catwoman, a little bit of the ever-so-handsome Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the mysterious Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate, and of course the amazing Tom Hardy as Bane.
I love, love, love The Dark Knight. And just like everyone else, I have high expectations with this movie. And I also hope Bane will be as badass as Joker was.
I love Joker. Everyone loves Joker. He is epic. Legend. Unforgettable. A villain we can't help but love. There is no other villain who managed to look as creepy while cross-dressing as a nurse like Joker. He is awesome, and Heath Ledger portrayed him brilliantly.

Now I didn't read the comic books, so I don't really know what to expect from Bane. The first time I met him was in Batman & Robin Movie on 1997. In this movie, Bane is a muscled-yet not so smart sidekick of Poison Ivy. He's not so impressive, the only thing I remember is that he had this scary arms that look like it's going to exploded, and that he wore a black wife beater about two sizes too small.
But this new Bane, this Nolan's Bane, is Tom Hardy. So, I think it's safe to say that Bane will be amazing? I hope. Gaaah, I can't wait!

So, here's the trailer everyone is talking about...

Okay. So these are what I thought :
  • Who's walking with a cane?
  • That explosion on football field is AWESOME woooo!
  • Where is Bruce when he asked about the chant?
  • Anne Hathaway looked beautiful as usual, but somehow I don't like her voice. Ah well...
  • I might sound stupid, but honestly, I can't understand what Bane is saying! The mask makes him hard to understand.
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt is playing as... who?
 Yah, anyway this teaser is great. It managed to fulfill its main purpose for sure. To tease.

Careless Parents and Helpless Children

We were all once dreamed of life like fairy-tales. When there's nothing but happiness and love, when good always win over bad,  and when a happily ever after is possible. But somehow, when we grew up, we'll realized that reality isn't always as good or as beautiful. Sometimes troubles came, and then we learned that it isn't always had a good ending. So we wait, we live as happy as we can while still waiting in fear of when bad things will come. We try our best to prepare ourselves for the worst, yet when it finally strike, still we're not ready. It turned out that we're not as strong as we thought we were. So we hide, in grief and pain, for who know how long. Because we wouldn't want to get hurt again, would we?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kita semua tahu betapa bobroknya hukum di negara ini. Kita tahu untuk tidak berharap banyak atas keadilan. Yang tidak punya kuasa atau yang tidak punya cukup dana sebaiknya tidak banyak bicara kalau tidak mau berjuang sia-sia. Saya tidak lantas mengatakan hukum tidak lagi berlaku. Hukum masih berlaku, hanya pada orang-orang tertentu.

Belakangan ini, ada beberapa orang yang saya tahu tersangkut kasus hukum. Saya memang tidak mengenal mereka secara langsung selain sebagai kenalan ayah saya, tapi saya kenal keluarganya, anak-anaknya, cukup untuk ikut merasa prihatin karena ayah saya sendiri pernah berurusan dengan pengadilan meski cuma jadi saksi.

Saya bukan hakim atau ahli hukum. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana memvonis seseorang bersalah atau tidak. Tapi saya seorang anak. Saya punya ayah yang juga bekerja. Saya tahu rasanya ketar-ketir menunggu hasil pengadilan semantara saya tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Saya yang keluarganya sendiri, yang bertemu setiap hari dan tinggal serumah, jelas lebih mengenal ayah saya ketimbang para hakim dan penyidik di kepolisian. Tapi siapa yang akan mendengar saya? Dalam hukum tidak penting saya bilang ayah saya rajin ibadah. Dalam hukum tidak penting saya bilang ayah saya rutin puasa Senin-Kamis. Apa yang saya tahu tentang ayah saya tidak ada kaitannya dengan proses hukum. Saya bisa teriak ayah saya orang baik, tapi kalau hukum bilang dia tidak, saya tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Saya cuma bisa berharap bahwa ayah saya selalu ingat. Bahwa ia tidak sendiri, bahwa ada saya di sini. Maka ketika suatu saat ia bermain api, saya juga ikut terbakar. Parents should not being careless, for children are helpless, for it will only bring sadness.

Saya cuma seorang anak, belum tamat SMA, punya KTP pun belum ada sepuluh bulan yang lalu. Saya bukan siapa-siapa. Saya tidak punya daya untuk melindungi ayah saya dari penjara. Yang bisa saya lakukan cuma menunggu, dengan was-was, berharap bahwa dia baik-baik saja. Bahwa ia berjalan lurus, dan bahwa Tuhan, di manapun Ia, melindungi ayah saya.
... for he's the only one I have left.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saya bukan orang paling optimis di dunia. Hidup saya tidak seindah cerita dongeng, dan saya tidak selalu bahagia. Tapi saya mencoba menghargai hidup, menghargai setiap duka dan tawa sebagai bagian menjadi manusia. Masih ada kebahagian buat kita di luar sana. Kita hanya perlu mencari lebih keras.

Take a leap of faith.
Saya percaya. Kamu juga harus percaya ya, Dearest old friend?

November 26, 2011

Of HyukSu Me Growing Up, and the Bumps Along the Way

Okay. So the age seventeen finally feels real. The responsibilities, the life-changing decisions, the new ways of seeing things. Life had never been so fun yet... complicated.

Things change. People change. Some for good. Others, well, can't say so. Friends come and go, some people stays, the others aren't. Or perhaps they're still here, just not as close as they're before. A few years ago, if this kind of thing happened to me I would absolutely went nuts and throwing silent treatment for days, annoyed everyone. Good thing I didn't do it anymore. (Well, rarely do it. Ego is so hard to control after all..)
Age made me think. Having a temper tantrum at this age will be shameful and considered a childish behavior, right? So I try, hard, not to. I try to accept the fact that sometimes, even a lifelong best friends must go their own separate ways. 
Take Junsu & Eunhyuk for example! When Junsu decided to leave SM for god-knows-why, Eunhyuk didn't follow his lead straight away just because they're BFF right? *DAMN I wish he DID! I miss HyukSu :'(
Even so, they're still each other's best friend, if their tweets and Hyuk constantly mentioned Junsu on KTR are the indications.
Sometimes, a lifelong best friends change too. Sometimes, they become a stranger and not the one you used to love and know like the back of your hand. Sometimes they act so differently, hang out with a different group of friend, look different, and do things you never thought they'll do.
Like Heechul and Hangeng. (Well, you know what I'm talking about! No need to explain the story again, for it's just makes me saaaaad)
So yes, things like that happened. And when it happened, it sucks. But we'll be alright. Somehow, after all those anger and feeling hurt, we'll come to our sense and finally, we will be happy for all the good things that happened to them, with or without us. You'll learn to cherish the memories you had with them before, because it's a damn good memories you have you don't want to destroy it with jealousy and hatred. It also help, because eventually, we will find someone new.

These new others will come, and you will have to start over. The awkward moments, the formality and the bullshit, building trust and chemistry, and then you will start sharing little secrets and stories of our life. Soon, we will feel comfortable around each other and hang out more. You might hate a few things about them, you can't help but comparing how different they are with your previous friends. But then you remember how happy you are, how many good things you find, how much you learn and see, and you will realize that it is alright. They are no longer strangers. They are friends, and you are happy.

You're alright. All is well.

November 8, 2011

oh the irony

It's a long forgotten dream of mine...
To stay abroad
To go far away, and for once,
make a dream comes true

It's a long forgotten dream of mine...
But it is true that faith is cruel
He made me remember...
When I'm finally ready to let it go